
Friday, February 6, 2015

Nashville Predators Game - Perspective From A Hockey Novice

Last night I had the privilege of going to an incredible hockey game. Prior to this I had only been to one other hockey game in my entire life, and that was the Atlanta Thrashers (note: they no longer exist, shows you how often I participate in these events). I was invited to go to this game with a friend and figured it would be a great time, even though I knew little about hockey. After going, I have to say, I am now an official convert and will be a Nashville Preds fan for a while to come.

It's not because they won. Going into the game, prospects were good, because the Preds were apparently number one. However, they played against the Anaheim Ducks, the number two in the NHL. I lucked into one of the top games of the season thus far. In the end the score was Preds 2, Ducks 5. Despite the unfortunate end, I loved every minute of my time.

First off, the passion of the fans is AMAZING. Countless guests in the massive arena sported hockey jerseys, which can run as much as $130, so they're invested for the long haul. I saw families young and old in attendance.
I suspect that Carrie Underwood was hiding somewhere in the building, because her husband is one of the players. There were also players as young as 19, my age, playing. So inspiring.

No matter where you sit during a hockey game, the action is fast paced. The players sprint/skate the entire time, and there is always the chance of an ice fight breaking out. For how long the game was, there is constant turnover to keep you on your toes.

The Nashville Preds have earned a new found fan with me.

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